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Alice Ann Bailey
Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy
The content of the complete set of books by Alice A. Bailey is available on CD-ROM. Using Folio® Views' elegant and user-friendly interface, this electronic library allows you to access and work with the information in the books in a variety of ways.
Easy navigation of all the twenty-four titles.
Both simple and advanced search capabilities help bring together the many insightful ideas scattered throughout the books.
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Ability to attach notes to relevant passages.
Cross-referencing tools such as descriptive bookmarks and multi-colored text highlighter.
System requirements:
Computer running, Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 and Windows 8.
The Consciousness of the Atom
Seven lectures given by Alice Bailey are brought together in this book of seven chapters under the headings:
- The Field of Evolution.
- The Evolution of Substance.
- The Evolution of Form, or Group Evolution.
- The Evolution of Man, the Thinker.
- The Evolution of Consciousness.
- The Goal of Evolution.
- Cosmic Evolution.
In these chapters the scientific relation of matter and consciousness is discussed as evolution progressively affects the atomic substance of all forms, subjective and objective. The purpose of the lectures was to present "the testimony of science" to this relationship and "to enable the hearers to observe the identical manifestation of these relations and of certain basic laws in successively higher states of being, thus to bring a realisation of the universality of the evolutionary process and its actuality." Thev serve as an introduction to the more detailed study and application of the laws of life and human unfoldment generallv included in the term "occultism".
Much progress has been made during this century in atomic science and in man's knowledge of the structure of the universe, the constitution of man, and the relation between the two. This book provides an intelligible basis to the occultist for a study of consciousness in depth and in right relation to the life pattern of the universe. The "atom" emerges as a minute but complete replica of the energy structure common to all forms of life - cosmic, planetary, human and subhuman. Groupings and relationships are shown as they exist on a small and on a vast scale within the evolutionary process, and the effects of energy interplay on the whole structure of consciousness.
The teachings and sayings of the Christ are quoted to cement the inescapable link between the scientific and the philosophical, or religious aspects of divinity. Each divine principle can be expressed in terms which relate to any human attribute or activity. Here is the synthesis of life in form.
159 pages
The Destiny of the Nations
World problems are increasing in complexity as the population of the world increases, and as nations become inter-related and interdependent. It is important for the future of mankind that we understand and cooperate with the spiritual laws and forces at work within the interwoven structure of civilisation, so that the individual part - human and national - can be rightly related to the evolving whole.
A nation is subject, as a man is, to the impact of energies emanating from solar and cosmic sources. These energies influence the nation as a whole through the "mechanism of response" equivalent to the Monad-soul-personality constitution of a man. Different nations are more receptive to some energies than to others; and all nations, subject to the evolution of national consciousness. have a destiny before them which is literally based on the qualities and the principles of the particular ray energy seeking expression through the national soul.
ln this book the ray energies affecting certain nations, world groupings and major cities are analysed in relation to meaning and purpose, and to the emergence of ideas appropriate to energy influences dominant at the end and at the beginning of an age.
The world of humanity is shown as a state of becoming, guided and given opportunity by the spiritual Hierarchy - the inner government of the planet - from a stable state of Being. The understanding, acceptance and fulfillment of spiritual possibilities weaves the destinies of all peoples together into a synthesis, in which each contributes to the whole the unfoldment of individual potential. A recognition of the soul destiny of nations in the light of the teaching in this book, has a practicality to day in our search for international adjustments. The ray qualities affecting the peoples of the world can be used intelligently to promote understanding and unity.
We are given a glimpse in this book of the beauty of energy synthesis when all component parts work together according to their own ray combination and to the glory of the One".
"The future will see right relationships, true communion, a sharing of all things ... and goodwill; we have also a picture of the future of humanity when all nations are united in complete understanding and the diversity of languages - symbolic of differing traditions, cultures, civilisations and points of view - will provide no barrier to right human relations. At the centre of each of these two pictures is to be found the Christ."
152 pages
Discipleship in the New Age - Vol. I
How many would-be disciples are convinced of their worthiness to receive direct training from a Master of the Wisdom? How few are able to absorb the intense pressures of the experience and to profit from the opportunity! Included in these two volumes of "Discipleship in the New Age" are the series of personal instructions given to a small group of chelas over a period of 15 years, with related teaching on a number of subjects.
When the group effort was finally discontinued, the Tibetan Master remarked that while his purpose in establishing the group for Ashramic training had proved unsuccessful, the instructions and teaching given as a result of forming the group would prove of great and continuing value to increasing numbers of aspirants to discipleship; and certain important concepts were anchored in human consciousness through the group channel, including particularly vital fact of the reappearance of the Christ. As the interplay between Hierarchy and humanity strengthens, many young disciples approaching the periphery of an Ashram are profiting from the experience of this group brought together for training by the Tibetan, and from the wealth of careful teaching and spiritual stimulation made available to them.
The requirements facing a disciple in the new age are drastic and heavy; they involve as a first prerequisite, the need for personal decentralisation, the relinquishment of individual preferences and emphasis of every kind, and absorption into a group for service purposes. "The entire subject of group interplay is far deeper and more significant than you suspect or appreciate" we are told.
The development of group consciousness is a matter of often painful experience in self-forgetfulness, requiring also a sensitive response to the purpose and plan of the Master through some Hierarchically inspired area of work.
The obvious and the subtle glamours and illusions which deceive the disciple and limit his consciousness, must be clearly identified, seen, known and transcended. The disciple must recognise himself as he is, and move on towards the next spiritual objective.
In the first part of Volume I of "Discipleship in the New Age" some of the requirements of the Hierarchical Plan and the place of service of discipleship groups are clearly shown in relationship. The "Six Stages of Discipleship" in the final part of the book show the sequence of growth in consciousness towards the center of an Ashram so clearly, that only the self-deluded can fail to identify his own place and his resulting opportunity.
Between these two parts of the book, training and teaching hints and personal instructions are given to each of 41 disciples and applicants for discipleship. In these direct and outspoken comments any sincere aspirant to discipleship can find himself and his own need understood and met, sometimes in drastic terms, from the deep spiritual insight, the knowledge and the love of a Master of the Wisdom.
So this pioneering group training effort is perpetuated for those who tread the Path of Discipleship today.
790 pages
Discipleship in the New Age - Vol. II
While the original intention behind the group working instructions contained in Volume I, was to externalise eventually through groups of nine integrated disciples, the work of nine subjectively organised groups (hence the name "Groups of Nine" given to this work), this second volume contains the teaching given between the years 1940 and 1949 after the group had been reduced and reorganised into one group, "the new seed group".
One of the main objectives of the new seed group was to "anchor" some of the principles and seed ideas for the new civilisation of the Aquarian era; and also to create an integrated group of trained Hierarchical workers capable of providing needed cooperation with activities initiated by Hierarchy to fertilise and prepare human consciousness for the tremendous stimulation of the immediate future. In this book, therefore, the personal instructions cover a shorter period of time and only 22 individuals.
Much of the teaching continues to emphasise the needs and the problems of group work, group fusion, group consciousness and the relationship of members of a group to one another and to the Master whom they seek to serve. "Let your horizon be wide and your humility great" the group is told, so that "an adjusted sense of right proportion" - the esoteric definition of humility - may regulate the growth in all relationships in conformity with the evolutionary needs of the Hierarchical Plan.
Two vitally important aspects of the life of discipleship are emphasised from the standpoint of practical training techniques - meditation and initiation. Meditation is shown not only as a way of approach by the individual to the soul, and by the group to the Master, but as the creative technique of the Lord of the World by which all is brought into being. All centres of consciousness in the planet, large and small, can employ the same meditative techniques to create the new and needed forms consistent with the changing emphasis of energy flow and divine purpose. Meditation thus becomes an act of conscious cooperation with "the strictly redemptive purposes" of our planetary life.
The teachings on initiation are also given an essentially practical presentation as "facts of life", to be understood and applied. The glamourous idea of initiation as a reward for a good, self-disciplined way of life, dissipates in the light of the reality. Neither has initiation for the disciple anything to do with the internal, organisational "initiations" peculiar to many occult orders and groups, which are meaningless except in the context of the organisation itself. Initiation for the disciple is the result of a conscious expansion into "larger and larger wholes" - a progressive expansion into the actual stream of consciousness of our planetary Life. These expansions in consciousness are accompanied by a succession of revelations; and in this volume of "Discipleship in the New Age", five points of revelation are discussed, with hints and symbolic formulas leading to a correct interpretation of them.
A disciple is "one who knows"; he has learned through personal experience that spiritual law and principle applied in service, create a condition of balance in which relationship is restored between the Way of God and the ways of men. Through that point of fusion light can radiate for the benefit of those who stumble in the dark. True revelation is a shared experience.
768 pages
Education in the New Age
Of the few specialised subjects included in these books by Alice Bailey and the Tibetan, education is of primary importance. Today we are losing the tendency to associate "education" only with the instruction of the young and with academic matters. Education is, or should be, a continuous process from birth to death concerned not so much with the acquisition or knowledge as with the expansion of consciousness. Knowledge of itself is a dead end, unless it is brought into functioning relationship with environment, social responsibilities, historical trends, human and world conditions and, above all, with the evolution of consciousness which brings the infinite vastness of an unknown universe within the range of the finite human mind.
To oversimplify, can we say that education is a continuous process of learning how to reconcile the human and the divine elements in the constitution of man, creating right relationship between God and man, spirit and matter, the whole and the part?
If this is education in the broader sense, it is more specific and more concentrated when considered in the light of child training. This book is so concentrated and specific. While presenting the need for wholeness - development of the whole person, spirit, soul and body as an integrated unity, and acceptance of the planetary whole as the area of personal experience and responsibility - the educational needs of the child today are set out in specific terms. Faults and inadequacies in the present educational systems existing in many parts of the world are enumerated, and methods for the future suggested.
Emphasis is placed on the need for education in world citizenship. Even before this book was first published this need had become startlingly apparent. It is also clear, however, that since children naturally tend to accept without question those of other nations, other races, colour, belief and social background, a world consciousness and inclusiveness must first be generated in those adults responsible for the education and the training of the young.
Therefore, this book includes a brief final chapter on "the science of the Antahkarana", that is, with the creative effort to bridge in consciousness between the lower analytical, knowledge-gathering mind, the soul, and the higher mind which is an aspect of the divine Self, the spiritual man. This is a scientific process which can be studied and practiced as a meditation technique, combined with the effort to apply spiritual principles to the daily life under any and all circumstances.
The building of the Antahkarana, literally a bridge between the subjective and objective worlds, creates a channel for the transmission of spiritual energies - light and love and power. These energies transform the daily life, irradiate the personality and infuse the mind with creative thought consistent with the needs of the emerging Plan at the dawning of a new age. So the enlightened adult can stimulate the soul of the child, enrich and enliven the mind, and provide right opportunities for full development of the spiritual potential.
149 pages
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy
The subject of human free will has always contrived to set men's mental teeth on edge. The fatalist automatically resigns himself to whatever befalls him, seeing in effects no cause attributable to his own action - or inaction; but resigned always to the working of an inexorable fate.
The Christian counterpart tends to accept his lot as the working of God's Will in which he has no say or part.
At the other extreme stands the rebellious independent, determined to exercise his right to free, self-willed action.
This book, as one of its many values, shows the extent to which Hierarchy and other centres of life on the planet are dependent upon the unpredictable and often irresponsible factor of human free will. During the years leading up to the outbreak of World War II, every opportunity and every possible spiritual stimulation was offered to humanity in an effort to avoid precipitation of conflict on to the physical plane. Disciples and aspirants to discipleship were asked to give special cooperation to the Hierarchy, and to make an all-out effort to provide adequate leadership to human thought and decision. All were left free, however, to determine their own limits, if any, and to decide their own actions. According to law, the Hierarchy - even at danger point - could not infringe human free will and dictate or impose a course of action based on their own deeper knowledge and more profound insight.
Many of the spiritual factors surrounding the period of human history from 1919 to 1949 are presented in this book. The energies at work behind the world scene are shown; and the identity revealed of certain great Beings magnetically attracted in service towards this planet at a climaxing moment in the evolution of our planetary life.
These factors are an aid to our understanding of the interrelated energy patterns within the universe which operate according to law. But essentially they provide the esotericist with knowledge of available energy flow responding to planetary purpose and plan which can be contacted and given conscious and intelligent cooperation, particularly by those in whom the selfish, self-centred will has been transcended so that the spiritual will can be given more adequate expression. Some of these energy factors are particularly clear in the special "Messages" given over a period of many years at the time of the Festivals of Easter, Wesak and the Christ.
Many aspects of Hierarchical work, thought and planning are discussed in these Messages, with the Hierarchical effect shown of planetary evolution and initiation and its reflection into humanity. This achieved a climax at the time of the three Festivals in 1945, when a momentous decision was taken involving, among other results, the eventual externalisation of the Hierarchy arid the reappearance of the Christ.
The final section of the book discusses the "Stages in the Externalisation of the Hierarchy". It is often difficult for the human mind to imagine the problems facing those liberated from the restrictions of form. It is even more difficult to contemplate the effects in those so liberated of a free choice to reassume such a limitation.
So we are helped to understand what the interdependence of life on this planet really signifies in terms of love, sacrifice and service by the part to the needs of the whole.
707 pages
From Bethlehem to Calvary
In her foreword to this book, the author remarks, "The conscious evocation of the Christ life in the human heart and our rapid integration into the Kingdom of God are the immediate tasks ahead, embodying our responsibility, opportunity and destiny." The five expansions of consciousness by which this integration and evocation proceed are clearly portrayed here as the correspondences of the five climaxing experiences of the Master Jesus during His life in Palestine. These are the five initiations known as the Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion, resurrection and Ascension. Through these five stages on the Way, we follow the Master from Bethlehem to Calvary.
While these initiations are popularly known by their Christian terminology, within the experience of the spiritual Hierarchy the fourth and fifth initiations are known as the initiation of Renunciation and the initiation of Revelation. The crucifixion experience of the Master Jesus involved Him in the great renunciation of His own soul, with a resulting revelation in the light of the Spiritual Triad. These experiences are both symbolic and actual, setting guideposts along the way of tire disciple. Some understanding of these Mysteries revealed by the Christ and the Master Jesus, as They exemplified the experience of the human soul through the five stages of its spiritual journey, can be invaluable to individual man facing the vast span of the same five-fold experience. This is probably the factor of greatest value and service to the aspirant, setting his feet on the Path of Return; that the experience of the Master Jesus, including that of the Crucifixion, the Great Renunciation, reflects through the lives of all human beings. Through the divine life in us, and as the Christ principle unfolds in our heart and consciousness, the sons of men walk the Way of the Cross eventually to become soul-illumined Sons of God.
Knowing something of these things, aware of the spiritual journey before all men from stage to stage on the Path of Initiation, an exact service opens before the aspirant. "Service must expand and express itself on broader and more inclusive lines, and we must learn to serve as Christ served, to love all men as He loved them and, by the potency of our spiritual vitality and the quality of our service, stimulate all we meet so that they too can serve and love and become members of the Kingdom ... the call is for sane and normal men and women who can comprehend the situation, face what must he done, and then give their lives to expressing for the world the qualities of the citizens of the Kingdom of Souls; love, wisdom, silence, non-separativeness and freedom."
284 pages
From Intellect to Intuition
In this era of a rapid increase in human intelligence and capacity to use the mind we run the risk of over-emphasis on intellectualism. "The mind is the slayer of the real" is a well-known reflection of an inherent danger.
In this book "From Intellect to Intuition", development of the intellect, while necessary, is shown as a means to an end and one step on the way to a fully awakened and active mental body.
The intellect is the rationalising, analytical aspect of the mind, concerned with knowledge. It can be used as a stepping-stone to penetrate into new realms and dimensions of thought, and to touch and awaken the intuitive faculty of pure reason. Between the intellect and the intuition, however, a gap exists until it has been consciously bridged through meditation. Meditation is sometimes defined as "thinking in the heart"; correct meditation proceeds only when the heart and mind function together in unison. To touch the intuition, therefore, this blending of heart and mind is a necessity, since the intuitive sense is a faculty of the heart aroused by the activity of the integrated, three-fold mind.
Meditation is also the deliberate application of discipline to the mind to render it controlled, concentrated and one- pointed at will. Right use of the mind in meditation opens the consciousness to the beauty, truth and goodness of the soul, through the five stages of concentration-meditation-contemplation-illumination-inspiration. These five stages lead to union with the soul - the "son of mind" - and direct knowledge of divinity, creating an instrument of intelligence for the soul to use in daily life.
"The experienced voice of the eastern wisdom comes to us with one word: Meditation. The question naturally arises: 'Is that all?' and the answer is: 'Yes.' If meditation is rightly followed, and if perseverance is the keynote of the life, then increasingly soul contact is established. The results of that contact work out in self-discipline, in purification, and in the life of aspiration and of service. Meditation in the eastern sense is ... a strictly mental process, leading to soul knowledge and illumination. It is a fact in nature that 'as a man thinketh (in his heart) so is he.'"
267 pages
Glamour: A World Problem
This teaching on world glamour, its causes and cures, is one of the specialised subjects first given to the group whose personal instructions appear in the two volumes of "Discipleship in the New Age". The idea that a small group of dedicated aspirants could work together to help dissipate the heavy enshrouding glamours which oppress humanity and deflect the light of truth, was initially quite a startling one. Spiritual progress has for so long held no meaning for the individual other than his own personal growth, that to consider spiritual experience in direct relation to world conditions is for many a revolutionary idea. Nevertheless world glamour - the sum total of human ignorance, fear and greed - can only yield to the enlightened penetration of those in whom these emotional reactions have been transcended in whole or in part.
Glamour is, of course, the result of a negative emotional focus; just as illusion results from a negative or unclear attitude of mind out of touch with the reality behind the outer appearance; so a man becomes the victim of strong self-created thought-forms built on personality forces and self-interest.
This book deals with the misconceptions existing on all levels of the personality life - maya on the etheric level; glamour on the emotional plane; and illusion on the mental plane; climaxing in the sum total of all three combined in the personality - the so-called dweller on the threshold.
The correct methods of working to dissipate world glamour and dispel world illusion, conform to modern psychological techniques accepted and practiced for individual benefit. A higher form of energy must be brought to bear on the blocked condition. This means in practical terms, maya must be subjected to the inspiration and idealism of the emotional plane; glamour to the illumination of the mental plane; illusion to the light of the intuition, a buddhic energy; and the dweller on the threshold must be confronted by the Angel of the Presence, the soul.
As this clarity and transformation of the personality proceed in the individual, he can begin to serve consciously, preferably in group formation, to lift and enlighten the world condition. Certain meditation formulas are given in this book which can safely be used by a group working together, but would require great care in the individual to prevent stimulation of any remaining personal glamours and illusions. We are working at all times with energy as an impersonal force, which can nevertheless produce a dangerous personal effect if the motivation is not selfless enough, the personality insufficiently pure or self-disciplined, and the dynamic power-to-work not sufficiently fused with love of humanity to create understanding and identification.
"The need for the service of men and women free from illusion and glamour, has never been so dramatically present as it is today, and it is for these potential servers of a desperate necessity that I have written."
272 pages
Initiation, Human and Solar
The theme of "initiation" appears in various relationships throughout this series of books. An initiation is an expansion of consciousness - a means of opening the mind and heart to a recognition of what already exists in reality. It is, therefore, a result of the ability to transcend those glamours and illusions which veil the truth and limit the consciousness.
As a living process, initiation is experienced by all forms of life, large and small, from the universal to the particular. The process of initiation in our solar system is based on a pattern which is duplicated and reflected within the whole, and throughout all its many parts. It could be called the thread of living energy, accepted and woven into the whole tapestry by each unit of consciousness in the creation of an ultimate synthesis. The Path of Initiation, therefore, is the Path of the Antahkarana.
From this somewhat abstract realisation, the individual must concretise the process in an effort to perceive and to understand how the diverse and distinctive forms of life included in a whole organism perform a vital individual function which, in relationship with all other parts, contribute to the all-encompassing plan of evolution. Even this effort to stretch the mind beyond its normal limits towards comprehension of planetary purpose, plan and process, evokes a more inclusive awareness of relationships within the whole, and forces growth. A mind so stretched never quite returns to its original dimensions.
One of the great values of this book is that it does stretch the mind towards a new conception of the intense activity involved at all levels of consciousness on the planet to create conditions in which evolutionary growth can proceed. The work of the planetary Hierarchy, and of some of the responsible workers within the Hierarchy, is outlined in a way which brings everyday human life into focus as an outer expression of qualified purpose through the Ashrams of the Masters. The three departments of Hierarchy form important planetary focal points of cosmic energy flow, each one imbued with purpose and responsible for an aspect of the Plan of God. The inter-relationship and interaction of the many kingdoms and centres of consciousness are revealed as tending towards the complete integration and alignment of our Planetary Logos within the systemic whole.
The detailed procedures of initiation rituals revealed here stimulate the imagination; but essentially the individual aspirant treading the Path of Discipleship is thrown back on his own inner spiritual resources as the only means by which progress can be made and consciousness expanded. This he does to the extent that he becomes sensitive and responsive to energy wielded and projected by Hierarchy.
A disciple is "one who serves" - eventually one who serves "the One". So the vast, dazzling and glorious process of evolution and initiation opens out in the depths and in the silence of the soul, and the disciple learns to relinquish all self-seeking - even for personal spiritual experience - and becomes absorbed with others in the service of the Plan.
213 pages
Letters on Occult Meditation
We have a recognised cleavage to be bridged in the world today, usually known as the cleavage between "East and West", but termed more accurately between "Orient and Occident". Behind the differences in culture, tradition, religion, ideology and social customs, however, there is a growing interchange of thought and mental understanding. One powerful stimulation to this mental rapport may be in an increasing tendency for the westerner to cultivate the science of meditation long practiced in the East as an essential part of religious and spiritual experience. In this day and age, and as we move on into the mentally oriented age of Aquarius, with increasing numbers of men and women transferring from an emotional to a mental focus, the science of meditation as a mind training technique in concentration and invocation will become increasingly practiced in the West.
However, there are deeper and more profound areas of life and consciousness to be penetrated and revealed in meditation. Meditation, in the occult sense, is not only a training technique for the mind, but a means of achieving alignment, union and identification with the soul, with the Christ, and ultimately with "the Father". As distinct from the experience of mystical union, occult meditation establishes a scientific process by which causes set in motion will produce identifiable effects, which can be repeated at will. This is a technique to be mastered by the mind; it involves intense mental activity followed by an absolute stillness, with the ability so to control and order the mind that it engages in action or becomes stilled to "reflection" at will.
The first purpose of this form of meditation is the conscious integration of soul and personality, so that the livingness of the soul may impress and influence the quality of the personality life. This draws a man steadily into that centre of consciousness within the planet we call the spiritual Hierarchy, the Kingdom of God; the spiritual Man then assumes control, and the divine potential is unfolded.
Since we are dealing in meditation with energy flow which is literally fiery and impersonal, there are pitfalls and dangers to be understood and avoided; these, too, are discussed. And also the colours and sounds corresponding to the various ray energies which, occultly speaking, are vibrations of different frequencies.
In looking towards the future, the author predicts the growing influence of the science of meditation, leading eventually to the establishing of schools of meditation under the guidance and instruction of initiated disciples. These schools will be of two kinds: one, preparatory; and the other actually training the student for initiation. The ultimate objective of these comprehensive training schools will be to provide qualified disciples for planetary service. In all training work inspired by Hierarchy the motif is service - the spontaneous effect of soul contact in the selflessly motivated disciple.
"The motive may be epitomised in these few words: The sacrifice of the personal self for the good of the One Self.
The method may also be shortly put: Wise control of the personality, and discrimination in work and time.
The resultant attitude will be: Complete dispassion, and a growing love of the unseen and the real.
All this will be consummated through steady application to occult Meditation."
349 pages
The Light of the Soul
Many translations have been made from the original Sanskrit of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. They have become well loved, well used, and well applied by many in all parts of the world and of all religious beliefs. The Sutras have a power and a timelessness about them which demonstrate the accuracy with which they pinpoint the basic truths of human evolution from subservience to personality clamours to the serene freedom of the soul.
Most human problems today originate in selfish desire; the prostitution of tile feeling nature to self-centred physical appetites. This is also brought out clearly in the teaching of the Lord Buddha, the treading of the Noble Eight-Fold Path providing the only way out of the maze: "Right Values; Right Speech; Right Mode of Living: Right Thinking: Right Expression; Right Conduct; Right Effort; Right Rapture or True Happiness". These are attributes of the soul.
Patanjali explores exhaustively the means, the techniques and the mental posture which create the connecting thread between the form-centred personality and these stages towards spiritual achievement and soul fusion. The four parts of the book develop:
- The Problem of Union (51 sutras).
- The Steps to Union (55 sutras).
- Union Achieved and Its Results (55 sutras).
- Illumination (34 sutras)
Many different training techniques have been available over the centuries, depending on the condition of human consciousness and the phase of spiritual growth to be accomplished. Each "Yoga" has had its place, fulfilled its function, and become an absorbed part of human experience.
In this book the factor of mind in meeting present-day needs is again given prominence as the agent of the soul, and the key to personalitv release. These Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are based on Raja Yoga, the "kingly science of tine soul": "Through the science of Raja Yoga the mind will be known as the instrument of the soul and the means whereby the brain of the aspirant becomes illuminated and knowledge gained of those matters which concern the realm of the Soul."
The soul is concerned with the working out of planetary purpose and plan; so again we find that mental training, and the self-achievement of the individual, lead to cooperation and service on a scale far more comprehensive and of far grcater evolutionary significance than merely the individual effects on the life of the disciple.
Sutra 31 of Part IV rings out like a bell and a clarion call to those who venture on the path of union with the soul. "When through the removal of hindrances and the purification of the sheaths, the totality of knowledge becomes available, naught further remains for the man to do."
428 pages
Problems of Humanity
The text of this book was first published in pamphlet form immediately after the war. It was intended to show the acute problems existing in seven main areas of human life following the devastating experience of global warfare. It is realised that the problems themselves had existed in a more or less inconspicuous form and with increasing effect on human society for numbers of years. The war served to precipitate incipient causes of disruption in human relationships and to reveal unacknowledged depths of evil and ignorance.
The present paperback edition of "Problems of Humanity", published in 1964, is revised and edited to eliminate all out-of-date facts and information. Six basic problems continue, however, to confront humanity with opportunity for progress: the psychological rehabilitation of the nations; the problem of the children of the world; the problem of capital, labour and employment; the problem of the racial minorities; the problem of the churches; the problem of international unity and the equitable distribution of the world's resources. From these many other social and economic problems arise, essentially resulting from growth in human consciousness and progress in many underprivileged countries and communities towards freedom, equality and interdependence in a modern world.
The basic teaching on these human problems contained in the original pamphlets has been preserved without change. A perspective is shown here which relates the spiritual potential and subjective factors to the outer appearance of human affairs. Continuing cleavages in consciousness; psychological evaluations and reactions to world conditions; national, religious, class or racial prejudice; conditions of illiteracy, disease and poverty, and economic imbalance, are all responsible for creating and perpetuating conditions in which war is inevitable.
Recognition of causes within these problems, however, provides opportunitv to those who love and serve their fellowmen. To deal with effects with understanding, compassion and intelligence, the first prerequisite is the ability for clear, unbiased thought - a form of meditative focus - so helping to create the "thoughtform of solution". All men and women of goodwill are concerned with the solution of these problems. They are particularly the concern of those accepting the self-discipline of training for discipleship in the new age, those world servers capable of relating esoteric truths and spiritual realities to the field of service in which they are placed.
The esotericist of today is a practical worker. His illumined consciousness makes available to him a source of energy supply which is inexhaustible and which originates within the circulating energy of the One Life. He thus becomes a centre of energy transmission between Hierarchy and humanity, reflecting the soul, or Christ principle, throughout his service environment, illuminating and lifting the darkened areas of human consciousness. His knowledge of world affairs and human problems helps him to direct his energies where they can be of most service to the plan for man, and in the restoration of all relationships.
"To put it scientifically and from the esoteric angle: spiritual impression has been interrupted aud there has been interference with the divine circulatory flow. It Is the task of disciples of the world to restore this flow and to stop this interference. This is the major problem facing spiritual people at this time."
181 pages
The Reappearance of the Christ
"In every age I come back to deliver the holy, to destroy the sin of the sinner, to establish righteousness." So runs the well-known passage in the Bhagavad Gita (translation by Prabhavananda and Isherwood), giving words to an eternal hope in the human heart.
In this book the reappearance of the Christ is recognised as inevitable within the continuity of divine revelation. Not only has God never left Himself without witness, but at definite periods in the history of human evolution, the "word of God", the projected potency of His vital life, has manifested in form in order to establish the principles to be demonstrated during the coming cycle.
There have been many such messengers over the ages, manifesting through one or another of the great world religions or followed by a new form of religion based on the new revelation. Divine revelation and the periodic appearance of messengers, or Avatars, occur, however, according to cosmic law, when certain conditions exist within the whole scheme affected by, and affecting, every part, large and small. Then a chain of events is set in motion which under law must eventually work out.
The part that our little planet Earth plays in this intricate and smoothly functioning system of inter-relationships seems to be of vital importance at this time. The esoteric and planetary significances of the reappearance of the Christ are suggested in this book as underlying causes for His Aquarian service to humanity.
This is the beginning and end of an age - the beginning of Aquarius and the end of Pisces--marking also a major turning point in the evolution of human consciousness from individual need to the needs of humanity as a whole, from personal salvation to world service, and from materiality to spirituality. It seems that this climaxing transition must be "marked" in both its stages, beginning and end, by the Christ Himself, and a principle anchored in human consciousness, which embodies not only the love or God established for the age of Pisces, but also the new potency for the future, the "Will" of God, into which only the Christ is as vet fully and perfectly absorbed.
The imminence of the reappearance of the Christ is sensed and expected by many, belonging as He does to all humanity irrespective of differing religious dogma and doctrine. "He for whom all men wait" will Himself determine the manner and the timing of His appearance and the area of his work in a way which creates no divisions or separations between men, either religious, social or ideological. Not only does He come as the first Son of God, but as Head of the spiritual Hierarchy, the inner government of the planet. He is, therefore, a great world executive, representing the Kingdom of God, and fulfilling a definite function in the world of men. He is coming to establish through precept and example in world service the principles on which a united, interdependent and interactive world may create its new material systems and spiritual institutions for the new civilisation.
Preparation for the second coming is the responsibility of humanity; it is for those who know and accept the imminent return of the Christ to prepare men's minds and hearts to recognise and receive Him, and to create those conditions of balance and spiritual alignment which will ultimately draw Him forth into our midst. For no matter what message or revelation the Christ may embody when He comes, no matter what principle or energy He may anchor on Earth for human use, He is not coming to save humanity from the results of its own sins, but once more to show humanity how to save itself in the new conditions and new opportunities with which the world is faced.
189 pages
The Soul and Its Mechanism
It is an established and accepted occult fact that the soul works through the mechanism of the three-fold personality in stimulating the three worlds of human evolution - the mental, the emotional and etheric/physical planes of consciousness. In this book the method by which the soul and the personality vehicles interact and function together is clearly presented. The author also reveals the relationship between what the occultist accepts in the constitution of man as the vital body, the etheric network with its energy vortices, or centres, and the physiological effects on the body through glandular secretions directly into the bloodstream. This is the endocrine system of glands, which correspond in the physical body to the energy centres in the etheric body and which, therefore, react to the type and potency of force the etheric body circulates at any one time.
Human behaviour, and the disposition of the physical body, are conditioned by the extent to which the personality vehicles either receive or reject the impulses of the soul; and this is conditioned by the emphasis or focus of consciousness at anv one time. The physical vehicle is not a principle; it responds to any dominant force expressing itself through the etheric system of energy centres. A highly emotional condition, for example, in which the solar plexus energy centre in the vital body is overstimulated, powerfully affecting its physical counterpart, the pancreas gland, produces an oversecretion of the gland and a consequent general imbalance within the personality.
It is obvious that in a highly evolved man, the personality vehicles are aligned, the etheric body vital and balanced, and the energy centres controlling the physical body receptive to the influence of the soul through the mechanism of the integrated personality. But until this condition is created in consciousness, the mechanism of response is more or less isolated in its personality glamours.
It is said that the aspirant to discipleship really needs to know only two things: the constitution of man and the next step ahead. In this book the way the human constitution actually functions in its component parts is made abundantly clear. It is an accepted goal for the aspirant that he learns to make of his personality equipment an instrument for the soul to use. Knowledge of the relation between the subtle and the dense bodies, the etheric centres and the physical glands, energy and force the soul and its personality mechanism, can lift the process out of the vague haze which normally surrounds it, giving to it the clarity and precision of a scientific formula.
Not only, however, is this a matter of form and energy, the whole man is involved in the process and in the effects - psychologically, philosophically and spiritually; for energy flows as the result of thought, and the quality, nature and potency of thought is a matter of consciousness, which includes the whole way of living. Where the normal focus of consciousness is in daily life, there will be found the energy centre controlling the mechanism of response.
153 pages
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle
Occultism is concerned with the scientific facts behind the spiritual idealisms many accept because of a natural human tendency to idealise. One of the most highly idealised concepts is that of the brotherhood of man. Occultism shows that the scientific basis for that ideal rests on the fact of the one etheric structure underlying all forms within the solar system, energised and held in being by one life force. Mankind is, therefore, one in life and in form; he is merely unaware of unity in his own consciousness. And evolution is essentially the means by which he becomes progressively conscious of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.
In this whole process the faculties of man play an important part - the five objective senses with their five higher spiritual counterparts. The mental principle or faculty is of tremendous importance to humanity at this stage in his evolutionary unfoldment. The three-fold mind unifies as one faculty the higher or abstract mind, the soul - the son of mind, and the lower concrete mind. As this condition of mental fusion and control develops, the disciple is learning to use the mind in new ways, particularly in wielding energy which, as it vitalises and animates his etheric bodv, influences through radiation his effect on others.
It is through this conscious, controlled use of mental energy that telepathic communication can be scientificallv established with other minds by means of the etheric structure common to all. And by the same means the mind of the disciple, or of a group of disciples developing group consciousness, can he impressed by the clarity of thought and purpose of those members of the spiritual Hierarchy concerned with the working out of the Plan for humanity. The spiritual Hierarchy, we are toId, works only through the minds of disciples, using the science of impressiom, and only for the purposes of the Plan. The impression is conveyed as a stream of ideas - those ideas inherent in the Plan for man - which the disciple or the group can then interpret and translate into self-chosen action.
The form of telepathy now developing within the spiritually awakened aspirants of the world is not, therefore, that of the solar plexus centre which is of the animal nature, but the result of a mental polarisation and penetration in coinsciousness towards the soul and the Triad. This produces an open channel of communication in two directions - vertically towards the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, seeking to impress the Plan on all receptive minds, and horizontally towards the minds of men united within the mental substance of human consciousness as one.
The second part of this book discusses the etheric structure of the planet and the solar system of which each man and each form is an integral part; the pattern of the triangle in controlling energy flow and establishing a continuity of circulation through the whole system is of immediate importance to humanity. We are involved in the life of the Planetary Logos - "in Him we live and move and have our being" - and we are a contributing part of the present effort to bring the etheric body under the influence of the soul, symbolised by the triangle. To the extent, and at the rate, that we succeed, so is the planetary etheric structure changing in form to become more consciously integrated into the energy system of which our planet is one small unit.
So the living process of unity is exemplified - the part contributing to the whole, and the whole effecting the part through every cell and atom of every grade of substance which it contains.
197 pages
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
Although this book was one of the first to be written by Alice Bailey in collaboration with the Tibetan, it is probably the most timeless, profound and least understood. "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire" deals with the underlying structure of occult teaching for the present era, with vast cosmic processes reproduced through all areas of life from universe to atom. It is, therefore, no book for the proof-demanding concrete mind, or for those who dabble in the spectacular and the phenomenal. The true student, however, the seriously applied aspirant, will find his mind stimulated and his consciousness expanded.
The book is dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, and is said to be "the psychological key to the Cosmic Creation". Certainly in its revelation of relationship and correspondences throughout the Cosmos, all aspects of life unfolding through consciousness are included, based on the aphorism - "Having pervaded the entire universe with one fragment of Myself, I remain."
The One Life manifests through all form within the universe as fiery energy; and the three main streams of cosmic energy, differentiated into seven systemic rays, are shown in relation to the three aspects of fire controlling all manifested life: Electric Fire, the Fire of Spirit; Solar Fire, the Fire of Mind; Fire by Friction, the Internal Fires.
A large section of the book is directed to a detailed exposition of Solar Fire, the Fire of Mind, since this is the dominant energy to be understood and controlled during this second solar system. The cosmic Laws operating through the system are shown in relation to the lesser laws of planetary origin and the laws of nature, operating through substance, as distinct from the life and the consciousness of the planet.
In her foreword to the book, the author mentions a five-fold purpose within its teaching; briefly: (a) To provide a compact and skeleton outline of a scheme of cosmology, philosophy and psychology which may serve as a reference and textbook; (b) As an elucidation of the relation between Spirit and Matter, demonstrating as consciousness; (c) To show the coherent development of all that is found within a solar system and to demonstrate that everything evolves; (d) To give practical information about focal points of energy found in the etheric bodies of the Solar Logos, the macrocosm, and of man, the microcosm; (e) To give some information of the place and work of those sentient lives who form the essence of objectivity, and to indicate the nature of the Hierarchies of Existences who form out of their own substance all that is seen and known.
These five objectives, and more, the book encompasses; for the effect in the individual consciousness is such that theories become transcended and the mind begins to experience through contemplative thought what the words on paper reveal to the intelligence. The finite human mind can touch its cosmic origins and its fiery essence when it opens to the three cosmic Laws of Synthesis, of Attraction and of Economy.
The fire of love, the flame of life within the heart, is the touchstone for all intuitive thought, and the alchemist to the dense materiality of gross substance.
1282 pages
Esoteric Psychology, Vol. I
Five volumes have been written under the overall title of "A Treatise on the Seven Rays". This sequence of books is based on the fact, the nature and the quality of the seven basic streams of energy pervading our solar system, our planet and all that lives and moves within its orbit.
Of the specialised subjects presented in these books, two volumes are concerned with esoteric psychology - the first in relation to basic energy patterns and structures; the second particularly applied to the soul and the personality of man and to the working out of the Plan for humanity.
Psychology is defined in Webster's Dictionary as "the science of mind", at one time considered a branch of metaphysics. Today we are more inclined to include all the conditioning subjective factors as psychological in nature - mental and emotional impulses and soul contact, to whatever degree it exists. These subjective influences constitute the whole psychological background to a man's attitudes and behaviour, and create the faculty of spiritual response.
The "psyche" is, after all, the human soul, the centre of consciousness. Esoteric psychology begins with a consideration of the human being as a soul, manifesting in the form of a personality, consisting of mental, emotional and etheric/physical substance, and more or less in contact and control, depending on the stage of evolution in the personality consciousness.
From the point of view of esoteric psychology, evolution is the evolution of consciousness, by which the imbedded fragment of the soul within the personality progressively identifies its spiritual source and becomes at-one with it.
The seven differentiated streams of ray energy play a significant role in this evolutionary process. A blend of five energies in a human being determine his goals, his problems, his available qualities and energy resources, and the correct method by which - according to his dominant ray influence - he may unfold his consciousness and make spiritual progress.
In this volume of Esoteric Psychology many of these distinctive ray qualities and methods are given as quotations, or interpretations, of "The Old Commentary" put into poetic and symbolic words. The seven rays are shown as the Seven Creative Builders, each one imbued with purpose and power, functioning together as a synthesis in occult obedience to the purposes of our Solar Logos.
Such a detailed and comprehensive study of the ray energies influencing our planetary life and all kingdoms in nature is of inestimable value to the aspirant consciously preparing himself to become of planetary service as he learns to serve and to unite with his fellowmen.
430 pages
Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II
The second volume of Esoteric Psychology deals exhaustively with the ray qualities controlling the life, consciousness and appearance of a human being on the physical plane. Every man in his totality is subject to the laws of evolution by which he proceeds from the One to the many and back to the One, enriched by the experience of life in form and capable of contributing the results of that experience to the larger life which pervades him.
Because the process of evolution is one of expansion in consciousness towards the centre of the One Life, an individual becomes increasingly identified with larger and larger areas of group consciousness; with the family and community group; with the nation; with the world and with the one humanity; with the soul and the ashramic group; and ultimately with those centres of consciousness we identify as hierarchy, the planetary heart inspiring the Plan; and with Shamballa, the planetary head centre of purpose, will and intention. This is a long process of discipleship growth and of service response to the requirements of the Plan and the needs of humanity.
This book, therefore, includes much comment and teaching of the utmost value to the disciple in training for world service, learning to take his place within that subjectively united and organised group of disciples discussed in this volume as "the new group of world servers". Group consciousness is a major goal for every aspirant to discipleship.
The first part of the book dealing with the Egoic Ray, includes sections on (1) The growth of soul influence (2) The seven laws of soul or group life (3) The five groups of souls and (4) Rules for inducing soul control. While the second part on The Ray of the Personality, contains detailed teaching on (1) The appropriation of the bodies (2) The coordination of the personality (3) Some problems of psychology and (4) Diseases and problems of disciples and mystics.
The final part of this volume on Humanity Today anchors these pervasive thoughts and energies within the world arena. The world situation is viewed from the esoteric and Hierarchical angle and in relation to the requirements of the dawning new age of Aquarius. A synthesis of thought and a unity of purpose must be established in the world in order to create conditions in which peace can prosper and the Christ can reappear.
Supreme effort was made by the Hierarchy to avert the 1939 outbreak of war, and to this end stimulating and evocative energies were literally forced into human consciousness through the agency of the new group of world servers. The requirements of the Plan for humanity were held up as the vision, without which "the people perish". Choosing to learn the hard way, humanity is only now opening the eye of vision as the result of drastic experience.
Disciples and world servers, therefore, face a superlative opportunity today to equip themselves for service to the Plan, to humanity and to Hierarchy, by applying the psychology of the soul to every aspect of their life environment.
751 pages
Esoteric Astrology
The science of esoteric astrology is said to be the basic occult science for the future. It will come into its own as the esoteric or soul factors begin to supersede the exoteric focus of the vast majority of professional and amateur astrologers today.
This is the science which deals with those conditioning and governing energies and forces which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within that field. The Ancient Wisdom teaches that "Space is an entity". It is with the life of this entity and with the forces and energies, the impulses and the rhythms, the cycles and the times and seasons, that esoteric astrology deals.
Esoteric astrology can be applied by the trained worker in a variety of ways; in medicine, psychology, science, education; to an evaluation of human problems, of the destiny of nations, of a correct interpretation of world affairs, and so on. It is necessary, however, that at this stage the application of esoteric astrology to human life should be recognised as experimental and tentative, so that each individual worker can adjust his thinking and his methods according to his own wrought-out experience. As with all other aspects of occultism and esotericism, accuracy and facility to work depend entirely on a consciousness evolving out of control by the personality into the life of the soul, out of separateness and self-centredness into a realisation of unity, and absorption into a centre of group consciousness.
Astrology is described in this book as "the science of relationships" - the relationship existing between all living organisms within the universe. Not only the qualities of the ray energies affect these centres of consciousness, but also the quality and energy of the ruling planets and the zodiacal signs. Seen from the exoteric outside, astrology is a vast and most involved and complex subject. From the esoteric inside, while it is still vast, all-inclusive and complex, it is also possible to perceive the thread which unites and the pattern which prevails throughout the whole system. A basic simplicity in the grand design emerges, therefore, which can serve to interpret the whole.
The main chapter headings to this book provide the sequence in developing study: (1) The Zodiac and the Rays (2) The Nature of Esoteric Astrology (3) The Science of Triangles (4) The Sacred and Non-Sacred Planets (5) Three Major Constellations (6) The Three Crosses (7) The Rays, Constellations and Planets. ln addition there is an appendix which summarises and tabulates many of the factors of fundamental importance to the study of esoteric astrology.
This is a book for the true occult student. It may appear to be too highly specialised for some; but every esoteric worker finds eventually that his work requires an understanding of the basic astrological factors which affect all relationships and all forms of life within the ethers of space, so that he may learn how to cooperate intelligently in the evolution of the whole by the right adjustment of the part within that whole; until eventually "the many are absorbed into the One".
695 pages
Esoteric Healing
There are probably more individuals and groups of people in the world of every shade of belief and capacity, devoted to the idea of healing than to any other single human need. Yet healing is an exact, and an exacting, science; and in modern society no physician or surgeon may practice the ancient profession of healing without the personal qualifications legally recognised by the State for the protection of the public. No doubt prayer and invocation can be effective under certain circumstances, particularly when the one who serves is pure and harmless in motive, and has enough understanding to cooperate with the soul purposes of the individual, so permitting the healing energy of the soul to flow more freely and effectively through the personality, or to proceed with the process of withdrawal, if that is its immediate purpose.
Esoteric healing, however, includes far more than this; it is a science based on a number of requirements, induding knowledge of the constitution of man and the nature of the various bodies, both dense and subtle. To this practical knowledge, the science of occultism contributes vital information of the energy factors, the karmic and ray influences, the psychology and astrology of the soul, and the laws and rules fundamental to the safe and successful practice of esoteric healing.
With all this to encompass in understanding and in application, little wonder that this science is as yet in its infancy, still in the experimental stages, and with other aspects of esotericism due for major development only as the soul in man takes a stronger hold of all personality affairs.
In this book the seven ray techniques of healing are described; the laws and rules of healing are enumerated and discussed; the requirements for healing are given in detail; and basic causes of disease are shown. We learn, for example, that much disease can be karmic in origin; that certain diseases are inherent in the soil and in the substance of the planet; and that many others are psychological, arising in the emotional or mental bodies. Hence the need for a total and comprehensive understanding both of the patient and of the correct and safe methods of healing.
We are also given a true understanding of death as the abstraction, or the withdrawal, of the soul from the body to continue life on its own plane without the limitation of the body, until a new cycle of incarnation and experience in form is necessary.
In the effort to apply the teaching given in "Esoteric Healing", those whose destiny lies in this area of human service will begin to unfold the spiritual faculty necessary for the healing of the whole man. And this will increasingly concern groups of workers using the magnetic and radiatory power of group energy and invocation. The right practice of esoteric healing conforms, therefore, to the new age development of group consciousness, and the establishment of right energy relationships which underlie all aspects of esoteric training in the world today. Not only the potential healer, but all occultists will learn much from a study of esoteric healing.
714 pages
The Rays and the Initiations
The final volume in this treatise on the seven rays contains the fundamental spiritual structure on which the next presentation of the Ageless Wisdom teaching will build. The book is in two parts; the first part enumerates and details the Fourteen Rules for Group Initiation. These are the rules for disciples and initiates, paralleling on a higher turn of the spiral, the rules for applicants contained in the book "Initiation, Human and Solar". The second part of this volume is concerned with the Rays and the Initiations, those nine major expansions of consciousness through which the initiate becomes progressively liberated from the various forms of our planetary life, ultimately proceeding upon his chosen Path of development and service within the universe.
One of the outstanding principles unfolded through the pages of this book is that of the growth of the group idea - group service, group responsibility and group initiation. The possibility of group initiation seems to be one of the new emerging developments of the Aquarian era; therefore, the profound value to the disciple of the Fourteen Rules for Group Initiation. These rules embody great truths in symbolic form, into which the consciousness expands with the acceptance of occult obedience, and the meeting of all requirements oil the Path of Initiation in a group penetrating together towards the centre of an ashram, and into the heart and will of the presiding Master.
Because "the way to the innermost sanctum is the way of outer service and because initiation is the effect of an increasing capacity to intuit the Plan, to register ashramic purpose and to act accordingly, "these rules are in reality great Formulas of Approach ... approach to a specific section of the Path and not approach to the Initiator. I would have you reflect on this distinction. The initiate is beconung increasingly aware of the dynamics of the Science of the Service of the Plan. This distinctive realisation can only come when his fused and blended personality and soul expression of will has disappeared in the blazing light of the Divine Purpose."
Much of this teaching, while beyond the grasp of the average student today, is invaluable in expanding the mind to contemplate the larger patterns and processes in which the individual function may be viewed in perspective. In dealing with such abstruse matters, the author again demonstrates a marvelous capacity to relate the deepest and most profound aspects of the Master's teaching to the life and the consciousness of the aspirant in the world today. Since there is no separation in life, and since the aphorism "As above so below" applies in every particular throughout the cosmos, and recognisably within the solar and the planetary lives, there is great value in the clear delineation of continuity.
"Revelation concerns Oneness and nothing else. The practical nature of this truth is only recognised when the disciple attempts to do two things: To realise it individually and to bring the nature of planetary unity and of non-separateness to the minds and into the lives of men everywhere."
769 pages
A Treatise on White Magic
Throughout the whole of this series of books runs a single thread uniting various aspects of life and specialised activities within the Plan for man. This is the thread of consciousness, evolving in man through the efforts of the soul to contact and control its personality equipment; and evolving within the planet as the centre Hierarchy becomes increasingly able to impress the Plan on the minds of men.
This book, therefore, contains the Fifteen Rules for Magic, and for soul control, based on these words in the Bhagavad-Gita: "Though I am Unborn, the Soul that passes not away, though I am the Lord of Being, yet as Lord over My nature I become manifest, through the magical power of the Soul."
The soul unmanifest in its essential being, manifest through the nature of its personality equipment, is always a source of mystery. It evades the analytical concrete mind: it reveals its true self to the illumined mind fused with the open heart, seeking not to grasp and to hold for personal progress, but to wield the magical power in service. The power of the soul is always available to the one who seeks, as an aspirant to accepted discipleship, to become of practical service in his own peculiar times, state and environment.
The teaching in this book is based on four fundamental postulates which will:
- Teach the laws of spiritual psychology as distinguished from mental and emotional psychology.
- Make clear the nature of the soul of man and its systemic and cosmic relationships. This will include its group relationship as a preliminary step.
- Demonstrate the relations between the self and the sheaths which that self may use, and thus clarify thought as to the constitution of man.
- Elucidate the problem of supernormal powers and give the rules for their safe and useful devaopment.
Through these underlying postulates runs the theme of energy, of the one informing life as a centre of energy, pervading and uniting all within the divine flow. Man is essentially and inherently divine; and the soul, the centre of consciousness, the result of the pervasive union of Spirit with matter, is the means whereby man evolves a consciousness of divinity and unity, redeems the gross matter of his vehicles and liberates the pure flame of life energy from the limitation of form. The soul is the vital link, therefore, between God and man.
The book closes with a rousing call to the soul in all aspirants: "I close with an appeal to all who read these instructions, to rally their forces, to renew their vows of dedication to the service of humanity, to subordinate their own ideas and wishes to the group good, to take their eyes off themselves and fix them anew upon the vision ... Let all students make up their minds in this day of emergency and of opportunity to sacrifice all they have to the helping of humanity ... I call upon all of you to join the strenuous efforts of the Great Ones."
640 pages
The Unfinished Autobiography
Alice Ann Bailey somewhat reluctantly agreed to attempt her own autobiography. What finally decided her to write about her life was a letter from a friend who, she says, felt deeply that "I would really render a service if I could show people how I became what I am from what I was. It might be useful to know how a rabid orthodox Christian worker could become a well-known occult teacher."
From her conservative British background, Alice Bailey's life led her in many directions, but always in one direction - towards the time when through drastic personal experience of many kinds she had acquired a synthesis of outlook and understanding, and an absolute conviction that one divine life pervades and animates the one humanity; that the Plan for man requires the cooperation and service of trained and dedicated human beings intelligently informed about world affairs, in collaboration with those who form the spiritual hierarchy, the miner government of the planet. Her life work became an initegral part of this synthesis and this realisation. Without in the least losing any of her very human qualities and involvement, her soul took up its commitment to her Master, and her personality provided full cooperation in the field of her accepted service.
Basically the work developed as a duality - her discipleship service to her own Master, Koot Humi, which included the establislinnent of the Arcane School; and her initially reluctant agreement to work with the Tibetan, the Master Djwhal Khul, in the writing of a series of books presenting the next phase in the continuity of the Ancient Wisdom teaching for the present and the immediate future.
This work with the Tibetan Master started in 1919. In his introduction to "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire", Foster Bailey remarks: "The story of many years of telepathic work by the Tibetan with Alice A. Bailey is revealed in her Unfinished Autobiography published in 1951. This includes the circumstances of the first contact with Him on the physical plane which took place in California in November 1919. Thirty years work was planned. When this had been accomplished and within 30 days after that period (in December 1949) Mrs. Bailey gained her release from tIne limitations of the physical vehicle."
This quick release accounts also for the fact that the autobiography is unfinished.
As her work with the Tibetan developed, and as her own writing, lecturing and early Arcane School work began to demonstrate their usefulness, the Tibetan took advantage of his close telepathic link with AAB to establish certain activities required by the work of Hierarchy for humanity. The Arcane School, although never controlled or supervised by the Tibetan, was used to anchor such service activitjes as Triangles, World Goodwill and the distribution of the Great Invocation. Certain types of meditation work were also suggested by the Tibetan as a planetary service, particularly the Redemptive Meditations on Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ and on Attracting Money for Hierarchical purposes; and the Arcane School in 1947 began a serious study of the basic problems of humanitv based on his book of that title.
The Arcane School, therefore, as an increasingly useful and useable channel between hierarchy and humanity, was used by the Master DK with AAB's consent and cooperation to anchor certain needed esoteric principles and realities firmly in human consciousness and to demonstrate the fact that esotericism is a way of life, and not an escape into vague, mystical abstractions. Her whole life work, although devoted to two distinct services, demonstrated that synthesis of outlook and attitude characteristic of every world disciple.
In the words of Foster Bailey, included in the introduction to the Autobiogaphy: "By far the greater part of her life work has always been subjective. We have seen the outer effects, watched the outer comings and goings, helped her and loved her, sometimes criticised, sometimes complained, but always gone on with her, and because of her yet a little higher and a little better than would otherwise have been the case. ... Her chosen path is on the line of the World Saviours. She has gone back to her own Master KH for yet more daring work with Him and for the Christ."
304 pages
Master Index of the Books of Alice A. Bailey
This is the third edition of the Master Index of the Books of Alice A. Bailey. In this edition the indices to Problems of Humanity and The Unfinished Autobiography have now been incorporated within the complete index. Some references not previously included in the individual indices of the books have been added. Additionally, a number of corrections have been made. The publishers hope this new edition will be of use to all students of the Tibetan’s and Alice Bailey’s work.
794 pages
The Labours of Hercules:
An Astrological Interpretation
The Labours of Hercules - an astrological interpretation by Alice Bailey, gives a vivid account of the journey of the soul as it incarnates progressively through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The labours that Hercules is required to perform symbolise the specific challenges that face all disciples as they seek to equip themselves to better serve their fellow human beings. It is an excellent introduction to a more esoteric understanding of astrology.
- The Zodiac
- Foreword: The Purpose of this study
- Hercules the Disciple - The Myth
- Labour 1 - The Capture of the Man Eating Mares
- Labour 2 - The Capture of the Cretan Bull
- Labour 3 - The Golden Apples of the Hesperides
- Labour 4 - The Capture of the Doe or Hind
- Labour 5 - The Slaying of the Nemean Lion
- Labour 6 - Seizing the Girdle of Hippolyte
- Labour 7 - The Capture of the Erymanthian Boar
- Labour 8 - Destroying the Lernaean Hydra
- Labour 9 - Killing the Stymphalian Birds
- Labour 10 - The Slaying of Cerberus, Guardian of Hades
- Labour 11 - Cleansing the Augean Stables
- Labour 12 - The capture of the Red Cattle of Geryon
- The Purpose of the Study of the Hercules Myth
- Summary of Lessons learned in each Zodiacal Sign
- The Path of the Soul through the Zodiac
- Journey through the Signs
230 pages
Serving Humanity
Service can be briefly described as the spontaneous effect of soul contact. This contact is so definite and fixed that the life of the soul can pour through into the instrument – the personality – which the soul must perforce use upon the physical plane. This book contains a comprehensive collection of quotations to stimulate thought and increase our understanding of service and its vital importance at the present time.
The True Server, A Challenge, A call To Service, The Inertia of the Average Spiritually-minded man, The Law of Service, The Need for Servers, What is Service, The Urge to Serve, Characteristics of the Server, Learning to Serve, Serving Humanity, Divine Inspiration, Forces of Enlightenment, Mystical Perception, Preparing for the Reappearance of the Christ, Overshadowing by the Avatar, The Plan for Human Evolution, Humanity, Human Relationships, Control of Speech, Criticism, The Service Rendered to Humanity, Energy, Telepathy, Impression, Occult Blindness, Revelation, Illumination, The Intuition, Soul Awareness, Meditation, Discipleship, Requirements needed by Aspirants, What is a Disciple, Status of Disciples, Requirements of the Disciple, Equipping for Service, Control of the Mind, Purification of the Vehicles of Service, Care of the Physical Body, Diet, The Power to Heal, Healing Work, The Evolving Form, The Life Span, Death, The Unfolding Disciple, Choice of Path, Right Decision, The Probationary Path, The Treading of the Way, The Immediate Goal for Disciples, Working under existing conditions, Standing Alone, Loneliness, Accepted Disciple, Sonship to the Master, Masters and Disciples, Occult Obedience, Free Will, Freedom, Age of the Disciple, The Sannyasin, Old Age and service, The New Group of World Servers, The Serving Hierarchy, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, A Master’s Ashram, Disciples preparing for the New Age, Service as Approach to the Great Ones, Channels for Service, Light Bearers, The Joy of Service, The Life of Service, Dangers in the Life of Service, Service to Individuals, Motives for Service, Loving Service, Selfless Service, Scope of Service, Money in Service, Creative Service, Limitations, Irritation, Points of Tension, Points of Crisis, Losing Time for Service, Master of Time, The Future, The Law of Rebirth, Factors Governing Incarnations for Service, Incarnating Souls affecting Civilisation, Karma, Knowledge, Responsibility, Sacrifice, Pain and Suffering, Glamour and Illusion, Success, Failure, Recognition, Relaxation and Recreation, Consciousness, Training, Teaching, Transmission of Teachings, Esoteric Studies, Education, Group Aspects, Initiation, Dark Forces, The White Magician, Mantrams, The pilgrim, An Esoteric Catechism, Some Words of Cheer, Conclusion.
Ponder on This
Throughout the books of Alice Bailey we frequently come across arresting suggestions and ideas. Many of these are brought together in this book. Arranged in alphabetical subject order they form an ideal introduction to the books as a whole. Topics include: The Ancient Mysteries; Courage; Crisis; Guidance; Joy; Mind; The New Age; Visualisation.
Some Basic Assumptions, Food for Thought, Abstruse Teachings, Age of Disciples, Agni, Alignement, The Ancient Mysteries, Antahkarana, Aspirant, The Astral (Emotional) Body, Astral Phenomena, Astral Plane, Astrology, Aura, Breathing Exercises, The Buddha, The Causal Body,Centres (Force), A Challenge, The Christ, The Christ: Reappearance of , Colour, Consciousness, The Constitution of Man, Courage, Cremation, Crime, Crisis, Criticism, Cycles (Cyclic Impulses),The Dark Forces, Death, Death: The Art of Dying, Death: Restitution, Death: Sequence of Events,Detachment, Devachan, Devas, Diet, Disciples: Acceptance of, Disciples, Discipline: Physical, The Dweller on the Threshold, East and West, Education, The Ego (Soul), Electricity, Elementals, Elimination (After Death), Energy and Force, Energy in the Universe, Esotericism, Etheric Body (Vital Body), Failure, Fear, The Fifth Kingdom (The Kingdom of God), The Four Freedoms, Free Will, To Give, Glamour, Glands, God, Goodwill and Will-to-Good, The Great Invocation, Group Relationships, Guidance, Harmlessness, Healing, Health and Disease, Hell, The Hierarchy, The Hierarchy: Externalisation of , Horoscope, Humanity, Human Races, Humility, Hylozoism, Ideas and Ideals, Identity, Illumination, Illusion, Immortality, Impersonality, Incarnation, Incarnation: Intervals Between, Indifference, Initiation, Initiation: Applicants for First Initiation-Second Initiation- Third Initiation- Fourth Initiation, Inner Training, Inoculations, Inspirational Writing, Intuition, Joy, Karma, Knowledge, Law, Law of Loving Understanding, Leadership, Light, Limitation of Words, Lost Souls, Love, Magic: White and Black, Man as Creator and Builder, Masters, The Master Djwhal Khul, Maya, Medical Science, Medicine: Mineral Drugs, Meditation, Mind (Manas), Money, The Moon, Motive, Nature of Man, The New Age, The New Generation, The New Group of World Servers, New Teachings, The New World Religion, Obedience, Occult Blindness, Occultists and Mystics, The Old Commentary, Overpopulation, Pain, The Personality, The Physical Body, The Pilgrim, The Plan, The Planets, Prana, The Probationary Path, Prophecies, Psychic Powers, Rays, Recognition, Reincarnation, Relinquishing, Revelation, Ring-Pass-Not, Sanat Kumara, The Sannyasin, Schools of Occultism, Schools of Thought, Sense of Humour, Sensitivity, Serenity, Servers and Service, The Sex Problem, Shamballa, Sight, Solitude, The Soul, Sound, Space, Speech, Spirit, Spiritual Evolution of Man, Spiritual Man, Spiritualism, Stage, Reached on Evolutionary Ladder, Symbols, Synthesis, Teaching, Telepathy, The Third Eye, Thought-Forms, Thought-Form Building: Rules, Thought Power, Time, Triangles of Light, Truth, Virtue, Visualisation, War, The Wesak Festival, Wisdom, Words of Power, Worry and Irritation, Zodiac. Conclusion
431 pages
The Soul, the Quality of Life
The Soul, the Quality of Life is a comprehensive compilation revealing the qualities and relationships of the soul. This book gives us "…much upon which to ponder, to think and to meditate. Let us search for the thread of gold which will lead us, in waking consciousness, into the treasure house of our own souls, and there let us learn to be at-one with all that breathes, to sense the vision for the whole, as far as we can, and to work in unison with God's plan as far as it has been revealed to us by Those Who know." (Esoteric Psychology II, pp. 242-43)
A sample of topics covered in this book include:
- The Definition of the Soul
- Characteristics of the Soul
- Physical Death and the Soul
- Cremation and Soul Release
- "Lost Souls"
- Guidance by the Soul
- The Soul and Psychic Powers
- Reincarnation
274 pages
A Compilation On Sex
A thought provoking collection of extracts from the Alice Bailey writings on the cause and basic mystery of the sex relation.
"In the vale of illusion, the symbol oft engrosses the attention and that which it represents is forgotten."
Chapters include Sex and Discipleship, Chakras and Sex Energy, Marriage and Parenthood, and Cosmic Correspondences to the Sex Impulse.
- Chapter 1 - The Sex Energy
- Chapter 2 - The Problem of Sex
- Chapter 3 - Sex and Discipleship
- Chapter 4 - Marriage and Parenthood
- Chapter 5 - Chakras and Sex Energy
- Chapter 6 - Transmutation and Transference
- Chapter 7 - Kundalini and Sex Energy
- Chapter 8 - Disease and Sex Energy
- Chapter 9 - Homosexuality
- Chapter 10 - The Rays and Sex Energy
- Chapter 11 - Astrology and Sex Energy
- Chapter 12 - Devas and Sex Energy
- Chapter 13 - Cosmic Correspondences to the Sex Impulse
- Chapter 14 - The Mystery of Sex
148 pages
Death: The Great Adventure
With widespread publicity concerning the 'near death experience', many people are now searching for a deeper understanding of death and the process of dying. Esoteric teachings on the subtle bodies and their inter-relationship have much to offer to those pondering on and researching the mystery of death. The extracts in this book, taken as seed thoughts or ideas for reflection, will help readers to clarify their own ideas and attitudes on this subject. Paper,
- Part I to Part XIV
- Chart: The Constitution of Man
- Chart: The Seven Planes of Our Solar System
- Glossary
- Index
144 pages
The Seven Rays of Life
As Alice Bailey wrote, a study of the rays will mean that "... we shall have a practical method of analysis whereby we can arrive at a right understanding of ourselves as ensouling entities, and at a wiser comprehension of our fellowmen. We can then deal more intelligently with ourselves, with our children and with our friends and associates. We shall find ourselves able to cooperate more wisely with the Plan as it is seeking expression at any particular time."
- Introduction
- The Seven Rays
- Astrology and the Rays
- The Rays and World Affairs
- The Rays and the Planetary Kingdoms
- The Rays and Human Development
- The spiritual Path and the Rays
- The Tibetan's Group of Disciples
- Initiation and the Rays
- To Serve
- Conclusion
365 pages
The Seventh Ray:
Revealer of the New Age
To aid men and women endeavouring to prepare themselves for group service during this transitional era, the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul suggested the study of all that he had written on the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order. The Seventh Ray: Revealer of the New Age is a compilation of those statements found throughout the books Djwhal Khul wrote with Alice Bailey.
- Chapter 1 - General Introductory Statements
- Chapter 2 - Transition from a Sixth to a Seventh Ray Cycle
- Chapter 3 - The Three Departments of Hierarchy
- Chapter 4 - Astrology and the Seventh Ray
- Chapter 5 - The Psychology of Nations
- Chapter 6 - The Seventh Ray Manifesting through the Individual
- Chapter 7 - Esoteric Healing and the Seventh Ray
- Chapter 8 - Meditation - The Seventh Ray Impact
- Chapter 9 - The Seventh Ray and Initiation
- Chapter 10 - Effects of the Incoming Seventh Ray
244 pages
The Animal Kingdom,
A Spiritual Perspective
A thought-provoking compilation of extracts from the books of Alice A. Bailey. It offers an inspiring overview of humanity’s responsibility for the evolution of animals. The Animal Kingdom, A Spiritual Perspective deepens our understanding of the mystery of the animal kingdom because it explains the divine purpose of our association with animals, and the important role humanity has to play in their evolution. This book will be of interest to anyone who is willing to consider a new point of view regarding man’s relationship with animals.
- Chapter 1 - Human Relations and Responsibilities
- Chapter 2 - Instinct, Intellect and Intuition
- Chapter 3 - Individualisation
- Chapter 4 - Domestication and The Six Rays
- Chapter 5 - Devas
- Chapter 6 - Great Informing Lives and The Chain Of Being
- Chapter 7 - Evolutionary Developments and The Seventh Ray
110 pages
The Arcane School
Training for new age discipleship
The Arcane School was established by Alice Bailey to provides training for new age discipleship.
The twenty-four books of esoteric philosophy form the basis for this training. The principles of the Ageless Wisdom are presented through esoteric meditation, study and service as a way of life. The keynote of the Arcane School as described by the Tibetan Master is “service, based on love of humanity.” (Discipleship in the New Age Vol. 1, page 782).
The Arcane School was established by Alice A. Bailey in 1923 to help meet an obvious and growing demand for further teaching and training in the science of the soul.
The Arcane School was created as a training school for adult men and women in meditation techniques and the development of spiritual potentiality. The School provides sequential courses of study and meditation, and practical training in group service.
The Arcane School is nonsectarian, and respects the right of each student to hold his/her own view and beliefs. It does not rely upon an authoritarian presentation of any one line of thought or code of ethics. Material used in the lesson courses is drawn from a variety of sources. The knowledge, insight and wisdom, and capacity to wield spiritual energy resulting from work and training with the Arcane School should be expressed and applied in daily living service in helping to materialise the Plan of God and to aid in solving the problems of humanity.
The Arcane School is conducted by correspondence through headquarters in New York, London, and Geneva.
The Arcane School is nonpolitical and nonsectarian. All are served. Since 1923 tens of thousands of students have taken advantage of the training.
No charges are made by the School for its services. The work is financed through the Lucis Trust by the voluntary contributions of students and those interested in the work of the School and in the teaching. Each gives according to personal circumstances.
The purpose of the esoteric training given in the Arcane School is to help the student grow spiritually toward acceptance of discipleship responsibility and to serve the Plan by serving humanity. Esotericism is a practical way of life.
The function of the School is to assist those at the end of the probationary path to move forward on to the Path of discipleship, and to assist those already on that path to move on more quickly and to achieve greater effectiveness in service.
Foster Bailey
Running God’s Plan
Things to Come
The Spirit of Masonry
The spirit of Masonry is the spirit of the eternal "Quest", a key to both individual and group progress toward God's goal for man. In this book Freemasonry is addressed from a spiritual point of view. The reader is shown how the function of modern Masonry is destined to bring spiritual benefits to all people.
Part I
- Chapter 1 - The Purpose of Masonry
- Chapter 2 - Origins and the Jewish Contribution
- Chapter 3 - Symbolism
- Chapter 4 - The Landmarks
- Chapter 5 - Building the Holy Temple
Part II
- Chapter 1 - Masonry, a Spiritual Asset
- Chapter 2 - Masonry at the Crossroads
- Chapter 3 - TheUnrecognised Masonic Crisis
- Chapter 4 - The Future of Freemasonry
- Appendix
- Further Notes on Landmarks
152 pages
Changing Esoteric Values
The basic cycle of Hierarchical activity runs in 100 year periods. There are two main Hierarchical conclaves in each period. The next one will occur in 1975. At that time the degree to which we have solved our world problems will be assessed and the rate at which the consciousness of humanity can be safely expanded spiritually, will be determined. Any changes in Hierarchical action will be scheduled. What the Hierarchy can do depends on what humanity has done. Christ is coming not to save us but to help us save ourselves. We therefore have about five years to improve world conditions before the next Hierarchical conclave. There will surely be some improvement. How much? This book contains the edited and enlarged material presented by the author in four London lectures which were published under the same title in London. Additional new material has been added in this printing, bringing it up to date.
Mary Bailey
A Learning Experience
A Learning Experience is an account of the joy and challenge of group discipleship in the modern age with its unique spiritual demands and requirements and its keynote of service in the Aquarian Age. Perhaps nothing else hones the skills and understanding of the aspiring disciple as the lessons learned in group service.
Previously unpublished extracts from the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul’s first year of work with Alice Bailey are given, as well as a thoughtful summation by Mary Bailey of her thirty-three years of group work with the Arcane School and the Lucis Trust. For many of those years she served as President on behalf of the work begun by Alice and Foster Bailey and A Learning Experience is Mary Bailey’s account of the growth of that work into discipleship service of international scope
256 pages